Thursday, April 2, 2009


So although I have been working on some things on the side, I have nothing finished at this time, but some fun ideas in mind. I have been working on a separate project on the side though that has had me very excited and will be shared later on once decided if it is for sure or not. Other than that I figured I would post up some Misc. things and some of the commissioned things I have done lately.

All of the above pictures are what i painted for my Uncles company in Baltimore. They are not anything spectacular in my book and to be quite honest, are a bit lazy on my part due to lack of motivation and interest in the subject, but overall a different style of work for me.

The pictures below are either sketches of some sorts or just unfinished or scrapped drawings that I have just never finished or had the desire to do so. I may end up doing so, or redoing them at a later date, but for now I have moved on and am past the theme behind them at this point. I hope to have two fun images done within the next week hopefully, but depending on class and if more work arises, that may not be very realistic.


Sean Reichert said...

Hey man these truck drawings are great. My work is going along those same lines. But I am trying to make a connection with my uncles and the whole blue collar worker.
You should start to think about what exatly you are working with. Make the drawings more of portrait not just a drawing of some truck.

Timothy Frailey said...

thanks man, I would like to do so more in the future, these pictures were commissioned pieces though so I didn't have much freedom, I like all of your stuff though and I look forward to seeing more.